

Chair:  Allen Porter,

This committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the administration of the Staff Graduate Recognition, Outstanding Staff Team Award , the Part Time Staff Award , and any other award approved by the Staff Senate as well as spearheading the fundraising for the awards that have been approved by the Staff Senate.


Chair:  Vince Capps,

This committee shall be responsible for publishing any Staff Senate publication, maintaining the Staff Senate web pages including timely posting of approved minutes, and recommending and coordinating further communications opportunities.


Chair:  Ruth Parcells,

This committee shall be responsible for monitoring the filling of Staff Senate vacancies by appointment; submitting to the Staff Senate a report of vacancies to be filled by election that year and the length of term of each such vacancy; presenting a slate of candidates to the Staff Senate for the election of its officers and making clear to the Staff Senate that additional nominations for each office may be made from the floor.

Employee of the Quarter/Year

Chair:  Ashley Reeves,

This committee shall be responsible for evaluating nominations and declaring the Employees of the Quarter ; and evaluating the Employee of the Quarter for the past fiscal year and declaring the Employees of the Year.


Chair:  Autumn Parker,

This committee shall be responsible for coordinating Staff Senate operations; proposing agendas for meeting of the Staff Senate; selecting staff members to be appointed to University committees; and monitoring the performance of staff members on the University committees.

Internal Affairs

Chair:  Erin Butler,

The Internal Affairs Committee of the Staff Senate is responsible for the periodic review of current and proposed policies and procedures and formulation of recommended courses of action then presented to the body.


Chair:   Karmen Boddie,

The Legislative Committee of the Staff Senate is responsible for the periodic review of current and proposed legislation affecting staff, informing the Staff Senate of relevant issues and present to the body any recommended courses of action. The committee also hosts members of the Legislature at events that allows for constructive discussion on issues facing staff.


Chair:  Alisha Gilbride,

This committee shall be responsible for soliciting nominations and selecting the recipients of the Staff Senate Scholarship , the Rick A. Haley Memorial Scholarship, and the Susan Imes Yell Scholarship.

Special Events

Chair:  Becca Clifton,

This committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the organization of the annual Staff Senate retreat, the organization of the Staff Senate Table and duties at the annual Health and Benefits Fair, the organization and planning for the annual Staff Senate Picnic, assisting the Legislative Committee with any public events that they may hold and planning any other special event during the year as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee or the Staff Senate Chair.

Transit, Parking, and Safety

Chair:  Michela Cupello,

This committee shall be responsible for addressing concerns and issues regarding campus parking and transit operations. Recommendations brought forth from this committee will be forwarded to the University of Arkansas Parking and Transit Committee for informational and advisory purposes only.