Employees of the Quarter and Year

Nominations are solicited and accepted for the University of Arkansas Employee of the Quarter award. Faculty and staff of the UA - Fayetteville campus are encouraged to nominate staff employees in recognition of outstanding service to the University. All regularly appointed staff are eligible for nomination. Nominees must have been employed by the U of A for at least one year.

Each quarter, five outstanding University of Arkansas staff employees are nominated and selected for Employee of the Quarter. Each employee represents one of these five categories:

  • Category I: Professional/Non-faculty — Administrative
  • Category I: Professional/Non-faculty — Academic
  • Category II: Secretarial/Clerical
  • Category III: Technical/Paraprofessional
  • Category IV: Skilled Crafts/Service/Maintenance

Submission Deadlines

  • Employee of the First Quarter (July, August and September): Due Oct. 15
  • Employee of the Second Quarter (October, November and December): Due Jan. 15
  • Employee of the Third Quarter (January, February and March): Due April 15
  • Employee of the Fourth Quarter (April, May and June): Due July 15

Who Can Be Nominated?

  • Any staff member may be nominated if he or she has been employed at the University of Arkansas for at least one year.
  • Self-nomination is not accepted or recognized. The employee must be nominated by a peer, co-worker or supervisor.
  • Any employee who has been selected as Employee of the Quarter within the last three years is not eligible.

How Do You Submit a Nomination?

  • Employees may be nominated by a peer, co-worker or supervisor. Nominations are submitted to the Employee of the Quarter Committee Chair.
  • Complete the Employee of the Quarter Nomination form (PDF).
  • You may prepare a memo, limited to two pages, on your department's letterhead.
  • Mail or fax to your nomination form or memo to:
    Ashley Reeves via email eoq@uark.edu or campus mail BELL 4207.

Who Is on the Selection Committee?

This committee is composed of the Chair and Facilitator, both non-voting members from Staff Senate, and the previous year's Employees of the Year (voting members).

Announcement of Winners

The Chair of the Employee of the Quarter Selection Committee notifies the winner's supervisor of the selection. The winners and their supervisors are invited to attend the next Staff Celebration event and are presented with a certificate and cash award. The winners are announced via the Staff Senate listserv and Newswire.

Employee of the Year

The winners in each category in each quarter are also nominated for the Employee of the Year.