
Outstanding Team

Staff Senate Awards

The Staff Senate offers two other award programs in addition to the Employee of the Quarter and Year Awards. The first of these, the Outstanding Staff Team Award, recognizes outstanding staff members who work together as a team. For more information and to download a nomination form, please go to the "Outstanding Staff Team Award" link to the left. The second award is the Part Time Employee Award. This award recognizes the exceptional work performance of a staff member who works less than 1250 hours a year.

Scholarship AwardScholarships

Nominations are taken each spring for the Staff Senate Scholarship, the Rick A. Haley Memorial Scholarship and the Susan Imes Yell Scholarship. All regularly appointed staff are eligible for these scholarships. Nominees must have been employed by the U of A for at least one year. For more information and to download a nomination form, please go to our Staff Scholarship Award page.